Sunday Liturgy
1. A call to worship: A portion from the Psalter
2. Pastoral invocation: Prayer of Preparation & Invocation
3. Responding in worship: Congregational Singing (1/4): An Opening Hymn
4. Teaching of the law: Old Testament reading
5. Confession of sin: Corporate/Private prayer of Confession
6. Proclamation of the gospel: New Testament Reading
7. Declaration of pardon: Absolution & Assurance
8. Affirmation of faith: Ancient Creeds/Confessions/Catechism Q&A
9. Celebration of salvation: Congregational Singing (2–3/4)
10. Sermon scripture reading
11. Prayer of illumination
12. Expository preaching of the word: The Sermon
13. Pastoral prayer of application
14. A call for self-examination and confession of sin
15. Communion: Only members of CCRBC can participate in the Lord’s Supper. If you are not a member but wish to participate in communion, please see one of our Elders before the service.
16. A song of praise: Congregational Signing (4/4): A Closing Hymn
17. Church life: Tithes and Offering, Announcements, Prayer of Intercession
18. Benediction and dismissal